Ten Things I've Learned This Summer

1. The amount of fun you have is 25% dependent on what you do and 75% on who you do it with.

2. Everyone deserves a second chance. Be wary of giving third chances.

3. Air conditioners are important.

4. Take a gamble every once in a while. Sometimes, the rewards are beyond worth it.

5. Things aren't always as they seem...but sometimes that's the best surprise of all.

6. Find yourself a role model you can talk to and trust. It doesn't always have to be someone who's famous or rich. In fact, sometimes it's better to have someone you know well so you can go to them easily for advice. Find someone who you hope to emulate in some way in that they show you that even your greatest goals are attainable.

7. Be spontaneous, but only sparingly. It's important to have plans but every once in a while, it adds to the fun of the night to just make a decision on a whim.

8. Explore the city or town you live in. The summer's the best time to do this. Know it well. It makes it all the better when you have friends visiting or when you're planning a date.

9. Make time for exercise. The benefits of this abound.

10. Meet new people. There's no such thing as being saturated with friends. Some of my favorite people I've met only recently and I wish I could have met them years earlier. That being said, don't ever lose touch with those friends you care about. A sub-rule, then, is to get Skype.


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