Earning Green by Going Green

One of my favorite websites is The Onion. The videos are almost--but not quite--as funny as I am. Here's one of my favs:

While funny, the video does indeed bring up a point. It seems that companies everywhere are finding better and newer ways to go cheap--I mean "green." While I'm all for being environmentally friendly, I'm also all for quality service.

This article argues that the steps corporations are taking to ensure they are being more environmentally friendly is actually helping:

If so, then I suppose it's a win-win situation for the companies: they save money plus they're satisfying environmental enthusiasts. The question, then, is which article is more indicative of the effect of going green on product quality: the satirical video or the ABC article. I argue that it is indeed the former. Going green can, in fact, be expensive, resulting in companies' money going towards this initiative rather than product quality. Also, as hotels and hospitals become more hesitant to wash and change sheets and gowns in order to prevent washer usage and water wastage, quality reduces.

The bottom line: Don't using "going green" simply as a method of cutting costs. Show that you truly care about the environment by promoting initiatives that increase both quality and eco-friendliness.


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