And so it begins

Why? Why now? What's the point? You see, to me, blogs always seemed like journals with a transparent cover. I remember having one in middle school because I somehow formed the delusion that EVERYBODY wanted to know what was happening in my life. I mean, come on, why wouldn't they? I've now learned that the practice of creative writing is becoming a rare commodity in many professions. For the first time in my life, I feel like my writing is declining in appeal, even in intellectual character. Blogs are one of the greatest ways to put that oomph back in your writing, keeping your fingers and your mind fresh. As I grew older, I started reading more intricate, reflective blogs and I gained so many new perspectives on life. My mind was fresh ground, ready for new ideas of all different types to be planted and ingrained. Sometimes, after careful consideration, ideas would need to be weeded if I felt I simply could not agree. Many times, though, what started as a small root grew into a well-researched, carefully contemplated, and beautiful flower. So, while my collection of flowers is certainly still growing, I'd like to begin sharing my own garden with the world in my own unique way. And thus, here it is: Ravings of an Aspirant and a Wikiphiliac. Wish us luck.


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